Chadar Trek

62 KM     MAX 15

3399 mts

+5% GST

Leh to Leh

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The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

The trek starts from Leh, which is a headway into Ladakh that is home to some of the highest peaks in the region. Because the roads are shut, the only way to get to Ladakh in winters is through air. There are flights that fly into Leh through Delhi and this two hour journey is where the magic begins. Try to get a window seat on the plane for the bird’s eye view of the Himalayas is absolutely mesmerizing. Day one is reserved for you to make your way to Leh and get settled into your accommodation. Since you will be coming to this altitude from sea level, the body will need time to get comfortable with the altitude and the mountain air. Winters in Leh are quite harsh but the cold you experience here is only just the beginning!
Day two is reserved for rest and acclimatization to the altitude, too. This is important to allow your body to adapt to its new environment and reduce chances of adverse health conditions. You can go around and explore the city market, delve into the colors and culture of this high-mountain city and visit some places nearby. A little movement around the city would be good for acclimatization. Also, use this time to go through your checklist and do some last-minute shopping for what you might be missing for the trek. Leh has the best market for trekking essentials. While the body acclimatizes, we take this time to get together with the group for a debriefing session where we get to know each other better and delve into the happenings of the next few days - schedule, what to expect, basic do's and don'ts in the mountains, how to maintain the sanctity of the environment and other such matters of importance.
Day 3 is also reserved to adapt to the cold winters of Leh. The only other thing on the agenda is a mandatory medical check-up at the Tourist Information Centre which is essential to obtain a NOC from ALTOA and a permit from the Wildlife Department to trek on Chadar.
Distance: 70 Kms drive to Bakula Duration: 2-3 hrs trek to Shingra Koma Today is going to be our first actual day on Chadar – the first day when we trek in this winter wonderland. But not before we drive to Bakula which is the starting point of the trek. We start early in the morning to drive along the beautiful Indus River and past the confluence of Indus and Zanskar rivers at Nimmu. This short 70 km drive which should take close to 3 hours to cover, offers some of the most spectacular views as the vehicle goes around some narrow hairpin bends. As we inch closer to Bakula, we start to see the frozen marvel – Zanskar, waiting in all its glory. Once out of our vehicle and on the Chadar, the trek leaders will give you some quick tips on how to best manage yourself on this sheet of glassy ice. It will take a while to get a hang of it so don’t worry if you don’t get it right, right away – no one does. Walk around as much as you can using the Penguin Walk and you will soon find yourself giving tips to others. The best thing about Chadar trek is that you walk on a flat surface throughout the trek. There are no steep ascents or descents and very little chance of catching AMS since you don’t gain any altitude throughout the trek. If you are comfortable today, you are already acclimatized and you should be able to finish the entire trek without any major issues. Depending on the weather, the Chadar changes its forms. It can be hard and glass-like in some patches, or it can have a layer of powder snow on it giving you a better grip, or you could face thin ice in certain areas, so you might have to walk in slush or dodge that entire patch and go over the rocks on the side of the river. Walk together as a team and always follow the sledge route used by the porters as it is the safest route on Chadar. We should reach the next campsite within 3-4 hours, depending on our speed and will spend our first official night camping on Chadar.
Distance: 14 Kms Duration: 6-7 hours The hardest part from here on is getting out of the warm sleeping bag and your cozy tents to step out into the freezing cold. However, the people of Zanskar are known for their hospitality – you will always wake up to a hot cup of tea and a meal waiting for you - all of which makes waking up in subzero temperatures just a little bit easier. Today is a long day with 14 long kilometers to our next campsite. Since walking on Chadar is not the easiest, this should take anywhere between 6-7 hours to cover. Remember to top up your thermos with warm water – regular water bottles cannot fight the cold of Chadar and the water tends to freeze up. Sunshine in this bend of the land is a scarce commodity as well. You will only see the sun for an hour or two on the trail and that too, in patches since the walking trail is fenced by giant mountains on both sides. Marvel at the views as you walk in this huge valley with nothing but pure crisp air and huge rocks on both sides. The color of the Zanskar river is a vibrant deep blue that matches the blue of the sky on a clear, sunny day. The trail also offers frozen waterfalls all along the way. We stop along the river to cook our meals so that we are not walking empty-bellied. The last 200M to Tibb is stunning. Expect to reach the campsite by late afternoon.
Distance: 12 km Duration: 5-6 hours At the end of today we get introduced to one of the biggest highlights of Chadar trek, the mother of all waterfalls – Nerak Waterfall. It is going to be another long day, so we begin early and aim to reach the waterfall by late afternoon so that we have all evening to marvel at it. The sun makes an exit from the Zanskar Valley early and the only way to keep warm is to keep moving. The ice in various patches is broken in the middle of the frozen river, forming geometrical structures of various shapes and sizes, which are fascinating to see. The lunch today is peculiar too, inside of a cozy cave, mid-way through our day. The cave is massive and can fit 12-15 people comfortably. Once we make it to the campsite, we feast our bellies to some snacks and make our way to the gigantic Nerak waterfall. It should take us about 30 minutes to get there. Along the way, we might even see a few domestic Yaks grazing the higher grounds. Right next to the waterfalls is a bridge across the river, which takes you up to Nerak village. It’s fascinating to see the old wooden bridge under the new concrete/steel bridge. We spend some time at the Nerak waterfall, before heading back to the campsite for dinner.
Distance: 12 kms Duration: 6-7 hours After that thrill of a climax which is Nerak waterfall, we start our journey back to where we came from. Today, we head back to Tibb campsite but nothing on Chadar is ever the same. If you think you know the route back and can predict the challenges for the day, you are in for a surprise. The frozen Zanskar river reacts to the slightest change in temperatures, and constantly keeps changing its form – hence, even though the trail is the same, it is different! Pay close attention to all the changing sounds as you walk on different kinds of surfaces – it is fascinating. Along the way, we see local porters wearing traditional woolen robes called ‘Gonchas’, with colourful beads around their neck and their traditional hats. It’s fascinating to see the locals negotiating the frozen river, as they seem to walk like the wind, absolutely comfortable with the slippery uneven icy surface. They greet you using the local phrase ‘Julley’ which is the Ladakhi term for hello/welcome. You might also catch a few locals singing traditional Ladakhi songs while pulling their sledges and enjoying the journey. We penguin walk our way to Tibb, as the locals zoom past us with such ease.
Distance: 12-13 km trek Duration: 7-8 hours For our last day of the trek, we head back to where we started from – and we’ve come a full circle. To reach Bakula, we should take 7-8 hours. The drive back to Leh should be close to 3 hours from there on. We stay the night at a hotel.
The trek ends here. If you plan to stay for a few more days to explore the wonders of Ladakh, the article below might help start you off on what places to consider. Like we indicated before, the weather on high-altitude is unpredictable as are many other conditions. We would suggest you keep spare days between the end of the trek and your travel arrangements to head back home.

Is this trek good for me?


Chadar Trek is a winter trek walking over the blanket of frozen Zanskar River. The 9-day Zanskar frozen river trek goes through extreme weather conditions with snow all around. Walking over ice can be tricky due to the uneven formation of ice. There may be places where there is no ice sheet formed. There you will have to forge a new trail trekking over snow embankments. The temperature in night falls down to - 30degree Celsius sometimes. The conditions are harsh but not unbearable. The experience is unique in itself as no other trek can claim to have such conditions. Anyone wanting to experience extreme weather conditions along with rarest of views should do Chadar trek in Ladakh.

Experience required


Should have at least 7-10 Himalayan trekking days in your kitty. For the trek?s achieving more than 3500 m at least, one should have an experience of trekking at altitudes higher than 2500 meters.

Fitness benchmark


1 Jog/Run for 5 Kms in 25-30 mins or Walk continuously for 10 km (with 3-4 small breaks) on plain terrain (slight incline is better) 2 Hold your breath for 40 seconds 3 3 sets of Climbing 30 ? 40 steps in one stretch 4 Push Ups ? 10 5 Lunges & Squats ? 15 X 2 sets

Requisite Skills


How to walk on snow How to use basic mountaineering equipment like gaiters & micro spikes Basic principles of acclimatization

Chadar - The frozen river trek is one of the most glamorous treks in the country. This trek finds it's place on every trekker's bucket list. You literally walk on a thin sheet of ice. Bearing extreme temperatures is the toughest part of Chadar trek. Along with the beautiful trail, the trekker especially enjoy the breathtaking views of the frozen Nerak Falls.


Chadar - The frozen river trek is one of the most glamorous treks in the country. This trek finds it's place on every trekker's bucket list. You literally walk on a thin sheet of ice. Bearing extreme temperatures is the toughest part of Chadar trek. Along with the beautiful trail, the trekker especially enjoy the breathtaking views of the frozen Nerak Falls.

What are the best months to visit this trek?


Chadar Trek best time is from first- the 1st week of January to the Second - 2nd Week of February.

How to Reach the base of the trek & how to go back from the end point?


Chadar trek begins from Leh in Ladakh. The best travel option around Leh is by air. By air:?Jet Airways, GoAir, and Air India provide daily flights from New Delhi to Leh. It is recommended that you make your flight bookings well in advance not only to save on the price but also for a confirmed seat. You can also take an alternate flight route to Srinagar. Fly to Srinagar from Delhi and then drive to Leh from Srinagar. The 10 hour road journey from Srinagar to Leh can be covered by hiring a shared taxi which will cost you around INR 3000-4000. The drive route from Srinagar to Leh is scenic. For coming back, you can either take a direct flight from Leh to New Delhi. Or take the same route via Srinagar. Flights from Srinagar to Delhi are cheaper than Leh-Delhi. By road:?You can take the route from Manali to Leh. Travel from Delhi to Manali by a HRTC Volvo bus. From Manali get a seat in a shared taxi (INR 2500-3500). If you are on a tight budget, There is also a bus from New Delhi to Leh (via Manali) with one side fare of INR 1365. The bus journey begins at 2:30 pm from Delhi ISBT reaching Keylong next day at 1:30 pm. After an overnight halt at Keylong, it reaches Leh the next day. The another route to Leh can be taken through Srinagar. There are shared taxis from Srinagar to Leh available at cost of INR 3000-4000. If you are an ardent biker, you wouldn?t mind taking a bike trip from Delhi to Leh and back.

What is the cellular network connectivity for this trek?


BSNL has the best connectivity in Leh-Ladakh region followed by Airtel. However, you won?t receive any connectivity once you move further on the trek.

What are the nearby attractions that I can explore?


There are so many enchanting places to visit in Leh-Ladakh. During your acclimatization period, you can roam around the town and visit the monasteries; Diskit Gompa, and Lamayuru Monastery. Drive up to the Magnetic Hill and experience the crazy magnetic phenomenon on the hill. The picturesque Nubra Valley will take your breath away. The green oasis villages, the monasteries, the ruined palaces- Turtuk and Bordang; there is a whole different culture in this place. It is 150 km away from Leh. you can take a shared taxi to this route. How can you leave Ladakh without seeing Pangong Lake, the sapphire blue lake. You can also visit Gurdwara Pathar Sahib and Leh Royal Palace.

What is the minimum & maximum age limit?


The minimum age limit for Chadar trek is 13 years. However, minors aged between 13 to 17 should be accompanied by their parents or guardians. If you are above the age of 60, kindly carry a medical certificate from your doctor that deem you fit for adventure activities like trekking.

What will be the accommodation type in this trek?


At Leh, trekkers stay at a guest house on a twin/triple sharing basis. During the rest of the trek, camping is done on the trail.

What kind of tents and sleeping bags will be provided to us?


We use four season tents for Chadar Trek. The sleeping bags we use are rated from -15 to -20 degree celcius.

Are there any washroom/toilet facilities on the trek?


There are no built up toilets on the trail. We comply with the rules and regulations given by the local authorities.

What kind of food will be provided for the trek?


The meals in Leh aren't included in the fee. In Leh, you can try different restaurants serving all types of cuisines. During the trekking days, our team of kitchen staff will be there who will cook fresh meals for you.

What equipment can I rent from you?


You can rent trekking equipment from us through our rental portal : . The facility of rental gear is subject to availability. Please book in advance. For any assistance, feel free to contact our post booking assistance number: 8588878499

What will the temperatures be like during this trek?


The temperatures on Chadar trek are extreme. During nights they drop as low as -30 degree Celcius.

When will there be snow on this trek?


Since this trek is done only in Jan- Feb period, snow is always there on this trek.

Is there an option to offload my backpack?


Yes, you can offload your backpack. Weight limit for each bag is 12 kg.

Who will lead us on the trek?


A trek leader will be assigned to your batch nearing the date of the trek.

Is the trekking pole necessary?


Microspikes & Trekking poles are not allowed on Chadar trek. This is because the pointed ends of these can cause the Chadar to break.

Are there any local stores/shops from where I can shop trekking necessities?


Only limited shops are open during winters in Leh. Therefore, you will be able to purchase only basic items like gumboots, gloves etc.

Is it safe for a solo woman traveller to trek in Fixed departures?


Yes, it is completely safe.

Will you give certificates on completion of trek?


Yes, you will get certificates on completion of the trek.

In case we opt for the transport with you, where will you pick us from and where will you drop?


We do not provide transportation from the airport to the hotel. However, you can opt for local taxis and buses that ply between airport and Leh city regularly. It takes 10-15 minutes to travel from Airport to hotel.

What time will you drop us at the end point on last day of the trek?


We will reach the hotel in Leh by the afternoon.

What's Included

  • Meals during the trek (Starting Lunch on Day 4 till lunch on day 8 )
  • Forest Permits/Camping Charges, if any (Up to the amount charged for Indian nationals)
  • Day 1,2,3 and day 8 nights guest house stay in Leh on twin sharing basis
  • Tents on twin sharing basis, Sleeping bags, mats
  • Safety Equipment includes static rescue rope, seat harness, carabiners, pulleys
  • Services of an experienced Trek guide, cook, helpers.
  • Porters or mules for carrying common supplies
  • Mountaineering course certified Trek Leader with First Aid certification

What's not Included ?

  • Meals during hotel stay in Leh
  • Any expenses incurred on medical examination in Leh
  • Gum Boots will not be provided by us. Please carry your own Gum Boots or buy the same in Leh.
  • Inner Line Permit Fee
  • Any kind of personal expenses
  • Any kind of Outdoor Insurance
  • Portage of personal luggage
  • Anything not specifically mentioned under the head price Includes
  • Altoa & Environmental / Wildlife Permit Fee. Approx Charge 6k to 8k to be paid on the spot to the authorities

Cancelation Policy

Cash Refund (All events including Friendship Peak Expedition except other Mountaineering Expeditions) - Cash refunds are only available for bookings made without any discounts, such as promotional codes or dynamic discounts. Additionally, cash refunds are not available for shifted batch bookings or if the booking status is "Booked". The amount of the refund will be determined based on the following guidelines:

  • • Cancellations made up to 31 days before the departure date will incur a 5% deduction.
  • • Cancellations made between 30 and 21 days before the departure date incur a 20% deduction.
  • • Cancellations made between 20 and 11 days before the departure date incur a 50% deduction.
  • • Cancellations made less than 11 days before the departure date are not eligible for a cash refund.

Refunds will be processed back to the bank account or credit card account used to pay for the event i.e., the source of payment. The amount refunded will be based on the net amount paid for the event, excluding additional components such as transportation, rent, or portage.

The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

The Chadar Trek in Ladakh is probably your dream trek if you enjoy the sound of the words "extreme," "harsh," "ice," "cold," and "unpredictable" before the word "adventure." These characteristics are precisely what make this wonder of a trek an experience unmatched in the vast landscape of the Himalayas. The name Chadar, which means "blanket," perfectly describes this trek, which is actually a walk on a thick sheet of ice that has formed over the enticingly blue Zanskar River. The ice is as white as milk in some places and translucent in others, giving the impression that you are walking on the water. Yes, it is as enchanted as it seems, and no, it is not simple. Although there is not much elevation gain, 9 days will seem insufficient to learn how to walk on ice and to acclimate to the extremely low temperatures that can dip to -30 degrees and make you feel as though your fingers could fall off. But it is a walk that is worthwhile for these same reasons! Being in Chadar is like being teleported to a new country experienced only by a few; it is a geographic wonder through and through. The ice and snow are continually shifting shape and form, one more unstable than the other, with no feeling of consistency in the scene. And it\'s pretty sobering to realise that the largest adventure of your life may only be a routine for a few communities in the area, who carry through this activity every single day in order to carry out their daily lives. As you encounter residents on your journey, you get to experience the country through their eyes. The trip offers insight into a completely different way of life in addition to the scenic splendour of the surroundings. It offers a glimpse of the vibrant yet challenging existence that people lead in the Zanskar Valley. Bring yourself to this chilly refuge with a frozen river underneath and magnificent scenery all around if you\'re prepared to study a Himalayan culture, take in the city\'s vibrant colours, be enveloped by the icy air, and are up for any obstacle that could come your way. The Nerak waterfall, a huge cascade frozen in time, might easily be the trek\'s high point if each day didn\'t deliver something new. Every person who completes the walk has a unique tale to share because of how rapidly events may change in this area of Ladakh, which is what makes it so spectacular. It?s best to go in January month for Chadar Trek.

Is this trek good for me?


Chadar Trek is a winter trek walking over the blanket of frozen Zanskar River. The 9-day Zanskar frozen river trek goes through extreme weather conditions with snow all around. Walking over ice can be tricky due to the uneven formation of ice. There may be places where there is no ice sheet formed. There you will have to forge a new trail trekking over snow embankments. The temperature in night falls down to - 30degree Celsius sometimes. The conditions are harsh but not unbearable. The experience is unique in itself as no other trek can claim to have such conditions. Anyone wanting to experience extreme weather conditions along with rarest of views should do Chadar trek in Ladakh.

Experience required


Should have at least 7-10 Himalayan trekking days in your kitty. For the trek?s achieving more than 3500 m at least, one should have an experience of trekking at altitudes higher than 2500 meters.

Fitness benchmark


1 Jog/Run for 5 Kms in 25-30 mins or Walk continuously for 10 km (with 3-4 small breaks) on plain terrain (slight incline is better) 2 Hold your breath for 40 seconds 3 3 sets of Climbing 30 ? 40 steps in one stretch 4 Push Ups ? 10 5 Lunges & Squats ? 15 X 2 sets

Requisite Skills


How to walk on snow How to use basic mountaineering equipment like gaiters & micro spikes Basic principles of acclimatization

Chadar - The frozen river trek is one of the most glamorous treks in the country. This trek finds it's place on every trekker's bucket list. You literally walk on a thin sheet of ice. Bearing extreme temperatures is the toughest part of Chadar trek. Along with the beautiful trail, the trekker especially enjoy the breathtaking views of the frozen Nerak Falls.


Chadar - The frozen river trek is one of the most glamorous treks in the country. This trek finds it's place on every trekker's bucket list. You literally walk on a thin sheet of ice. Bearing extreme temperatures is the toughest part of Chadar trek. Along with the beautiful trail, the trekker especially enjoy the breathtaking views of the frozen Nerak Falls.

What are the best months to visit this trek?


Chadar Trek best time is from first- the 1st week of January to the Second - 2nd Week of February.

How to Reach the base of the trek & how to go back from the end point?


Chadar trek begins from Leh in Ladakh. The best travel option around Leh is by air. By air:?Jet Airways, GoAir, and Air India provide daily flights from New Delhi to Leh. It is recommended that you make your flight bookings well in advance not only to save on the price but also for a confirmed seat. You can also take an alternate flight route to Srinagar. Fly to Srinagar from Delhi and then drive to Leh from Srinagar. The 10 hour road journey from Srinagar to Leh can be covered by hiring a shared taxi which will cost you around INR 3000-4000. The drive route from Srinagar to Leh is scenic. For coming back, you can either take a direct flight from Leh to New Delhi. Or take the same route via Srinagar. Flights from Srinagar to Delhi are cheaper than Leh-Delhi. By road:?You can take the route from Manali to Leh. Travel from Delhi to Manali by a HRTC Volvo bus. From Manali get a seat in a shared taxi (INR 2500-3500). If you are on a tight budget, There is also a bus from New Delhi to Leh (via Manali) with one side fare of INR 1365. The bus journey begins at 2:30 pm from Delhi ISBT reaching Keylong next day at 1:30 pm. After an overnight halt at Keylong, it reaches Leh the next day. The another route to Leh can be taken through Srinagar. There are shared taxis from Srinagar to Leh available at cost of INR 3000-4000. If you are an ardent biker, you wouldn?t mind taking a bike trip from Delhi to Leh and back.

What is the cellular network connectivity for this trek?


BSNL has the best connectivity in Leh-Ladakh region followed by Airtel. However, you won?t receive any connectivity once you move further on the trek.

What are the nearby attractions that I can explore?


There are so many enchanting places to visit in Leh-Ladakh. During your acclimatization period, you can roam around the town and visit the monasteries; Diskit Gompa, and Lamayuru Monastery. Drive up to the Magnetic Hill and experience the crazy magnetic phenomenon on the hill. The picturesque Nubra Valley will take your breath away. The green oasis villages, the monasteries, the ruined palaces- Turtuk and Bordang; there is a whole different culture in this place. It is 150 km away from Leh. you can take a shared taxi to this route. How can you leave Ladakh without seeing Pangong Lake, the sapphire blue lake. You can also visit Gurdwara Pathar Sahib and Leh Royal Palace.

What is the minimum & maximum age limit?


The minimum age limit for Chadar trek is 13 years. However, minors aged between 13 to 17 should be accompanied by their parents or guardians. If you are above the age of 60, kindly carry a medical certificate from your doctor that deem you fit for adventure activities like trekking.

What will be the accommodation type in this trek?


At Leh, trekkers stay at a guest house on a twin/triple sharing basis. During the rest of the trek, camping is done on the trail.

What kind of tents and sleeping bags will be provided to us?


We use four season tents for Chadar Trek. The sleeping bags we use are rated from -15 to -20 degree celcius.

Are there any washroom/toilet facilities on the trek?


There are no built up toilets on the trail. We comply with the rules and regulations given by the local authorities.

What kind of food will be provided for the trek?


The meals in Leh aren't included in the fee. In Leh, you can try different restaurants serving all types of cuisines. During the trekking days, our team of kitchen staff will be there who will cook fresh meals for you.

What equipment can I rent from you?


You can rent trekking equipment from us through our rental portal : . The facility of rental gear is subject to availability. Please book in advance. For any assistance, feel free to contact our post booking assistance number: 8588878499

What will the temperatures be like during this trek?


The temperatures on Chadar trek are extreme. During nights they drop as low as -30 degree Celcius.

When will there be snow on this trek?


Since this trek is done only in Jan- Feb period, snow is always there on this trek.

Is there an option to offload my backpack?


Yes, you can offload your backpack. Weight limit for each bag is 12 kg.

Who will lead us on the trek?


A trek leader will be assigned to your batch nearing the date of the trek.

Is the trekking pole necessary?


Microspikes & Trekking poles are not allowed on Chadar trek. This is because the pointed ends of these can cause the Chadar to break.

Are there any local stores/shops from where I can shop trekking necessities?


Only limited shops are open during winters in Leh. Therefore, you will be able to purchase only basic items like gumboots, gloves etc.

Is it safe for a solo woman traveller to trek in Fixed departures?


Yes, it is completely safe.

Will you give certificates on completion of trek?


Yes, you will get certificates on completion of the trek.

In case we opt for the transport with you, where will you pick us from and where will you drop?


We do not provide transportation from the airport to the hotel. However, you can opt for local taxis and buses that ply between airport and Leh city regularly. It takes 10-15 minutes to travel from Airport to hotel.

What time will you drop us at the end point on last day of the trek?


We will reach the hotel in Leh by the afternoon.

  • Meals during the trek (Starting Lunch on Day 4 till lunch on day 8 )
  • Forest Permits/Camping Charges, if any (Up to the amount charged for Indian nationals)
  • Day 1,2,3 and day 8 nights guest house stay in Leh on twin sharing basis
  • Tents on twin sharing basis, Sleeping bags, mats
  • Safety Equipment includes static rescue rope, seat harness, carabiners, pulleys
  • Services of an experienced Trek guide, cook, helpers.
  • Porters or mules for carrying common supplies
  • Mountaineering course certified Trek Leader with First Aid certification
  • Meals during hotel stay in Leh
  • Any expenses incurred on medical examination in Leh
  • Gum Boots will not be provided by us. Please carry your own Gum Boots or buy the same in Leh.
  • Inner Line Permit Fee
  • Any kind of personal expenses
  • Any kind of Outdoor Insurance
  • Portage of personal luggage
  • Anything not specifically mentioned under the head price Includes
  • Altoa & Environmental / Wildlife Permit Fee. Approx Charge 6k to 8k to be paid on the spot to the authorities

Cancelation Policy

Cash Refund (All events including Friendship Peak Expedition except other Mountaineering Expeditions) - Cash refunds are only available for bookings made without any discounts, such as promotional codes or dynamic discounts. Additionally, cash refunds are not available for shifted batch bookings or if the booking status is "Booked". The amount of the refund will be determined based on the following guidelines:

  • • Cancellations made up to 31 days before the departure date will incur a 5% deduction.
  • • Cancellations made between 30 and 21 days before the departure date incur a 20% deduction.
  • • Cancellations made between 20 and 11 days before the departure date incur a 50% deduction.
  • • Cancellations made less than 11 days before the departure date are not eligible for a cash refund.

Refunds will be processed back to the bank account or credit card account used to pay for the event i.e., the source of payment. The amount refunded will be based on the net amount paid for the event, excluding additional components such as transportation, rent, or portage.